

2012 聖誕節在挪威 - 什麼都很聖誕篇


挪威人有多愛耶誕節呢? 答案是"灰常愛"...





by 北極熊拔拔

你的孩子相信世界上有耶誕老人? 你應該說實話嗎?

挪威、芬蘭和北極都算是耶誕老人的故鄉。因此,來自“耶誕老人故鄉”的我常會被台灣的父母問到,要如何處理他們的小孩如果發現耶誕老人不是真的 ?小孩可能會從一些早熟的同學或是電視節目上聽到耶誕老人是假的,那種心理的期待和幻滅伴隨而來的是止不住的淚水,父母們可能會很頭痛如果沒有好好處理,也會影響和孩子間誠信的問題。所以通常很多人提到最糟的耶誕節,小孩們開始不相信耶誕老人的存在通常是前幾名。要怎麼處理呢?





另一個想法是可以引導小孩根據現有的資料去思考、分析和判斷事情,當比較大的小孩開始質疑飛行馴鹿的可能性,或者放學回來告訴你隔壁的小毛說世界上根本就沒有耶誕老公公,究竟耶誕老公公是否存在呢?如果我的孩子直接問我耶誕老公公到底是不是真的,我會回答,我也不知道,並回問他們“你覺得呢? ” 。如果他們覺得耶誕老公公不是真的,那我會進一步問,“你怎麼確定呢?沒見過,也不表示沒有。” 

經過一些討論後,也許可以讓耶誕老公公在孩子心裹繼續存在一陣子,有一個好的說法,甚至可以改變一些已經非常自我,愛翻白眼的青少年,讓他們繼續享受耶誕老公公守護著他們的心意。你可以試著這麼說,是的,沒有人可以證明耶誕老公公真的存在,也有很多戴著假鬍鬚假裝是耶誕老公公的人,但是,他們這麼辛苦的假扮耶誕老公公是為了什麼? 他們用耶誕老公公的名義送禮物給別人,他們慷慨大方,他們不邀功,這就是耶誕節和耶誕老公公最棒的精神,而且只要這樣的情節繼續發生著,耶誕老公公的精神就一直會在我們身邊流傳著...


Does your kid believe in Santa? Shouldn't you tell the truth?

Norway is together with Finland and the North Pole considered as the home of Santa Claus. So as a local of 'Santa's home', I am sometimes asked by parents in Taiwan on how to deal with their child finding out that Santa isn't real. Tears are common as children find out from classmates or from TV that it was all a lie. Parents sometimes feel bad they didn't handle this breach of trust very well. When adults are asked to describe their worst xmas ever, the xmas they discovered santa wasn't real usually tops the list. So how do you prevent this from happening?
It would be difficult for any child to not be exposed to the myth of Santa in some way. Kindergartens, schools and department stores all bring the myth alive. Likewise, the same sources may dispel the myth. So the existence of santa is a question that makes many children ponder. I consider this an opportunity to learn two important lessons. First, the value of generosity. Second, to critically analyse information.
Now, if the only purpose Christmas served was for department stores to sell more, I wouldn't bother to take part in the Santa myth, and I'd tell my kids the brutal truth. But behind the commercialized Christmas lies the spirit of Christmas, which essentially is about the virtue of generosity. And although Christmas comes from western culture, virtue is also a well known in Chinese culture. If you are to celebrate Christmas, this is a meaningful reason to do so.
When it comes to generosity, it’s hard to imagine anyone more generous than santa. His full-time job is to give people what they want, for free. He works long hours and manages a massive factory to make presents for kids all over the world. And yet, he expects no present in return. Most children love xmas because of the many new toys they get in the gift giving ritual, but as we grow up, the gift exchange ritual becomes more about the joy of finding he perfect gift for someone you love. 
Part of the lesson in generosity here is also that we as parents are gifting to our children via santa without taking credit for the gift. This is true generosity.
For the second lesson, to critically analyse information, this starts when kids grow suspicious to flying reindeers and the fact that nobody has ever seen the real santa. Once they know magic isn’t real, it becomes hard to explain how Santa does his tricks. If my kids ask me directly if Santa exists, I will simply state that I don’t know, and ask them “what do you you think?”. And if they deny his existence I’d follow up with “how did you figure it out?”.
With some clever arguments you can keep the belief alive for many years. For an argument that could even make eyerolling teenagers believe in Santa, try this. You can always say that yes, nobody has ever taken a photo of something that can be verified to be Santa, and there are many people who pretend they are Santas with their obvious fake beards. But what do these fake santas do? They give gifts in Santas name. They're being generous and they're not taking credit for it. This it is the true spirit of Santa and his Christmas. As long as that happens, Santa is among us in spirit. 



There are three stages of a man’s life: He believes in Santa Claus, he doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, he is Santa Claus.


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